연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표(토론II): 생체고분자 기반 의료공학 기술
발표장 제8-2회장
논문코드 OD2-4
발표일 2024-04-3
발표시간 13:30-13:40
논문제목 Exploring the effects of sequence arrangement of random co-polymer by delivering mRNA in cultured cells
발표자 안준수
발표자 소속 인하대학교
저자 안준수, 김현진1,†
소속 인하대학교; 1인하대학교 바이오시스템융합학과
논문초록 Our group developed amphiphilic polymer which is consisted of 2 moieties. However, the problem emerged. The common obstacle of random co-polymer, batch-to-batch problem has occurred. To solve this problem, we hypothesized that this problem was due to the randomic arrangement of random co-polymer’s each moiety. Therefore, we applied the SPPS method to arrange the polymer’s each moiety by performer’s intention. We synthesized candidates of polymers to discover the effect of sequence arrangement of each moiety to evaluated at physicochemical property, structure-correlation and drug delivery efficiency. We discovered sequence arrangement affects to above 3 aspects. By utilizing AAMD, we explained the polymer’s structure change and each moiety’s function change in detailed manner. Our group found that sequence arrangement’s importance of random co-polymer at precursor position. Furthermore, we made basic principles for mass production of sequence arrangement co-polymer.